Spring is officially here! I don't know about you - but, doesn't everyone seem so much happier?! The phrase #springcleaning is a saying for a reason. I think the warm weather is so energizing and encourages us to get our homes tidier. If you are unsure where to begin consider these 10 tidy tip prompts to get you started! 1. CHECK THE EXPIRY DATES IN YOUR PANTRYEvery home has expired food. Weather it is canned food, old snacks, or forgotten about staples - it happens! So, if you cannot remember the last time you decluttered your pantry - then it is time! 2. PAIR UP TUPPERWARE & TOSS THE RESTSometimes I wonder if tupperware and socks have some partnership to taunt us! Often they can loose their partners. So, I recommend taking the time to see what pairs can be made and discard the rest. 3. CLEAN OUT YOUR FRIDGESimilar to the pantry - food can be forgotten. It is a great time to sort through what you have and then compost the expired food. 4. DO A DIGITAL DETOX: DELETE YOUR UNNEEDED EMAILSI highly recommend going through your personal or professional email. Deleting hundreds to thousands of unneeded emails takes time, but the outcome feels fantastic! 5. WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, DELETE ALL OF THE UNWANTED PHOTOS OFF YOUR PHONEAnother digital detox I recommend is going through your cellphone and deleting all of the unnecessary photos! Such as the ones with multiple copies, blurry photos, or photos you quite honestly don't need! 6. BOOK THAT APPOINTMENT!Book that appointment! Here is your reminder to book that dentist appointment, appointment to get your taxes done, or maybe it looks like running an errand like drop off donations! Sending you virtual gold stars for taking that step! 7. CLEAN YOUR DISHWASHER FILTER OR GIVE YOUR SINK A GOOD CLEANFood will build up in your dishwasher filter or maybe even in your sink. It is probably a good time to sanitize those areas as they are typically a highly used space! 8. CLEAN OUT YOUR PURSE OR BACKPACKSomehow our purses and/or backpacks can turn into a portable dumping ground! Now is a good time to empty out those bags, discard the trash, and sort out what you actually need in their. 9. SORT THROUGH YOUR WINTER CLOTHINGAs the weather continues to become warmer it is a great time to sort through your clothing! Seasons change and so do our wardrobes! Be honest with the clothing you will not realistically wear again - and make that donation run! 10. SHRED ALL OF YOUR OUTDATED DOCUMENTS - GET PREPARED FOR TAX SEASONFor those who have physical copies of important or not-so important documents it is a fantastic opportunity to shred the outdated paperwork. Make room for the new files! If you plan on filing your taxes by the end of April, 2021 it will feel great to start 2021 on the organized track! And, that's it! Mind you, a few coffee breaks in between. Apply these 10 tidy tips and feel the satisfaction of a job well-done! If you are feeling overwhelmed by this disorganization in your home then consider booking a complimentary consultation call!
Kelsey marionProfessional organizer's perspective on all things clutter, organizing, health, minimalism, and more! Archives
November 2024
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