What is wellness? Wellness is an active process of becoming increasingly aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from physical or mental illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth. We often compare our lives to others...We look at people in the room and see the person with great financial success, with millions of social media followers, with the fancy car, the big house, and feel..."I want that". The measure of success seems to be symbolized through great physical possessions. The mentality of when I achieve this level of possessions, i'll be happy. Yet, depression and anxiety rates are high in North America. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, Two-thirds (67%) of Canadians have had experience with depression or anxiety, with 36% saying they have suffered from it themselves. Instead, why not look at the person in the room who is truly happy - and think, "I want that". Think of someone in your life who brings joy to others and generally holds joy within themselves. According to Laura Crooks, a registered nurse and certified wellness coach, “We need to address and find our own balance or harmony between our body, mind, and spirit to be well (wellness goes beyond absence of disease),” she said. “Our individual balance changes through the life stages.” Crooks has seven tips to help people achieve success in the eight dimensions of wellness:
My approach to my business, Get Sorted, is more than picking up stuff off the floor - it is where organization meets wellness. When your office is organized you can work, create, and be much more productive. When your kitchen is organized you can cook, replenish, and feel more nourished. When your bedroom is tidy you can get ready for your day and sleep much easier. There is an old saying “you are who you surround yourself with,” and that includes your environment. Healthy-minded individuals seek healthy-minded environments. Sometimes we don't even know what that looks like - it takes time to unpack unhealthy habits and mindsets to reach the full rounded home that you desire. Environmental wellness inspires us to live a lifestyle that is more respectful of our surroundings. Everyone can have a strong environmental conscious simply by raising their awareness. Again, it isn't about perfection, but simply making the effort to grow, evolve, and shed what no longer serves you. My services provide the opportunity to have more focus to work on your business, more energy to invest in your family, and more time to do things that you love! The clutter is a symbol of a mental block. Professional organizing provides a light when we tear down the initially perceived, 'infinite', wall of stuff, it can also evolve into breaking down the mental clutter. Learning to let go of the physical items that no longer serve you is relatable to letting go of negative perceptions or setting boundaries with friends or family who no longer bring you joy. Decluttering your life so you can keep moving forward and achieving your goals. What is your definition of wellness? Do you notice a difference in your mental health when your home is disorganized and messy versus orderly and tidy? As an enthusiastic professional organizing expert, Kelsey aims to help people release their limiting beliefs and emotions surrounding clutter. Kelsey believes that when there is organization there is wellness. With a degree in Social Work and a background in visual arts, Get Sorted is the perfect blend of Kelsey’s strengths, and she is thrilled to bring the joy of uncluttered living to Toronto, ON.
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Kelsey marionProfessional organizer's perspective on all things clutter, organizing, health, minimalism, and more! Archives
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